We can’t always be home all the time. Every now and then we need to travel for a business summit, holiday, etc. Security of your property when you are around is just as important as while you are away. Everyone worries and hopes that their home is secured and not broken into while they are away on holiday or long periods. But no one wants to be on holiday and keep worrying about the security of their home – it just spoils the fun! And can even make you cut short your holiday. Here are some security tips to help you keep your house safe while you’re away on holiday and give you peace of mind. 


1. Limit the number of people who know about your holiday



Vacated homes are attractive for robbers and burglars. When you are planning on going on a holiday, ensure to limit the number of people you notify. Notify only a few important and trusted people. The more widely known your departure is, the higher the likelihood of the information getting to the ears of robbers and burglars. 


2. Have a friend check in on your home



Human presence on your property helps deter burglars and robbers. Handover your house keys in-person to a trusted friend, neighbour or relative to visit your house from time to time while you are away to ensure that everything is in order. Ensure to give the keys to them in-person and not leave it under the doormat for them to retrieve as anyone can pick up the keys from there and gain access to your house.


3. Set your Lights and blinds on a timer



Security of your house while away is all about creating the impression that you’re still home. Setting the time to turn on your lights at night and off in the morning, and when your blinds open and close help create the impression that someone is home. 


4. Install Security Cameras 


Security cameras which can be monitored on your phone or other smart device is a great way to monitor your home while you’re away. It gives you peace of mind knowing that you can see from wherever you are what is going on in your house.


5. Install a Security System



You can take the security of your home a step further and increase your peace of mind by installing a security system in your home. A security system consisting of security cameras, alarms and sensors deters unauthorised entry into your house and will notify you immediately if there’s an unauthorised entry. 


Looking for smart devices to bolster your home or office security? We can help you find the best solution that meets your needs. Check out our smart security devices here. Alternatively, you can speak to us via email or call +234 706 993 7577 now! We’ll sure be glad to help!