Whether at home or the office, door security is very important, as doors are usually the first line of security. As a result, high security locks (HSEC) are essential for your door security. High security locks were created as a solution to the weaknesses of standard locks. They provide greater security to protect valuable items and information. High security locks use certain features to protect against break-ins and theft.

Metal Composition

A good high security lock is made from strong heavy metals. Plastic components should not be used in the manufacturing of high security locks. You will know if a high security lock is made of majority metal by its weight; metal is always heavier than plastic, so the heavier the better.

Bolt Strength

A high security lock should be able to withstand a lot of force. Therefore, they use hardened steel bolts that can stand against a burglar ramming, kicking, or using a sledgehammer to break in.  Without a sturdy steel bolt, these types of strikes would bend or snap the bolt leaving your property vulnerable to intrusion.

Lock Cylinder Complexity

The more difficult the lock cylinder is, the harder it’s going to be for a burglar to pick the lock. The internal mechanics of a lock cylinder must be challenging enough to deter a criminal from lock bumping or making an impression of the lock.

Drill Protection

High security locks are designed to resist attacks from drilling, making them impossible to remove. Some locks use a hardened metal case, special metal pins, or disks placed in the path where the drill must penetrate. There are even metal shields that protect against the lock itself.


Why should you get a high security lock for your home or business?


high security door lock


They are impossible to pick

The major benefit of high security locks is that they are nearly impossible to pick. That’s because they utilize two levels of biaxial key cutting, which produce angled cuts inside the lock that are very difficult to force open by picking the lock. In addition, the locking mechanism corresponds with a specific pin. Only a locksmith with special tools can get high security locks open. Of course, a pick-resistant lock is no use if a determined intruder can simply drill the lock out of its housing. That’s why all the most secure door locks come with drill resistant housings, which prevent the locks from being removed from the doors. Not only does this feature reduce theft, but it also means you won’t face the expense of replacing damaged locks with new ones to re-secure the property after an attempted break-in.



Restricted Keyway

Many business owners have dealt with keys going missing or being copied without their authorization. With high security locks, the added feature of a restricted keyway system stops unauthorized duplication.

A restricted keyway is designed to prevent keys from being copied by former employees. Many restricted keyway systems are patented. Only one locksmith is authorized to make duplicate keys upon written consent from the business owner. This helps establish key control within a business or organization.

The key blanks are not available on the open market. The need to replace locks decreases with this system because only one locksmith can copy a key. 


Rekey with Ease

How many times have you had to replace a lock because an employee has lost a key or because a key has been stolen? With innovative user-rekeyable key cores, removing locks from their hardware in order to rekey can be a thing of the past. User-rekeyable locks can be securely reset when a key is lost or stolen without needing to be removed from your door hardware. Which means that anyone who tries to use the lost or stolen key after you’re able to quickly address a security breach will be denied access. Meanwhile, the other authorized key holders can receive updated keys so your employees continue to enjoy uninterrupted access to your facilities.

All types of keys in a HESC system can be reset, including master keys, grand master keys, and even great grand master key systems. This ensures that security is guaranteed on every level of your organization and addressing security breaches is no longer a time consuming or insecure hassle for your key managers.


Track Serialized Keys With Cloud-Based Key Tracking Software

One of the most important features of your key control is your ability to track serialized keys. A cloud-based key tracking software solution allows administrators to keep track of all keys that have been issued, orders that have been placed, and the effectiveness of your key control from a single easy-to-use dashboard. Using this software, admins can identify key holders, track the location of keys, and quickly check which doors each key provides access to. Serialized keys also eliminate key duplication, which can be a major security risk in some organizations.

There are many benefits to implementing strong, secure key control for your organization, including low maintenance costs, greater convenience, and enhanced security.